



The 查尔斯·德雷克遗产协会 is a prestigious group reserved for those generous Landmark College supporters who have chosen to include a gift to the College in their will or estate plans. 在遗嘱中命名地标学院有很多好处, 但最重要的好处是它将对后代产生的影响. Legacy giving offers you a way to make a difference, far beyond the measure of your lifetime.

博士照片. 查尔斯·德雷克
Dr. 查尔斯·德雷克

请填写并在线提交 查尔斯·德雷克遗产协会会员表格.

检查这个 慈善遗赠的范例语言 document [pdf] for help with guidelines and specific legal language to include Landmark College in your will.

如果你想讨论一下你推迟的礼物计划, 请致电802-387-6877与卡罗尔·纳迪诺联系 (电子邮件保护).

通过递延赠与, you will help ensure that LC continues to change lives and help future generations of students thrive. To become a member of the 查尔斯·德雷克遗产协会 you can choose to make provisions for Landmark College through:

  • 遗嘱中的遗赠
  • 慈善信托基金
  • 人寿保险单
  • 赠与不动产、证券或其他财产的赠与
  • 退休计划
  • 或其他选项

爱德华·查尔斯·德雷克.D., was a Harvard-trained educational pioneer who recognized the need for a college devoted to students who learn differently. Dr. Drake identified the campus of the former Windham College as a potential site and took bold steps to establish Landmark College as the premier college for students with LD. The College was incorporated by the State of Vermont in 1983 and opened its doors to students in 1985.

尽管有严重的阅读障碍. Drake earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a master’s in divinity, and a doctorate in education. 1971年,博士. 德雷克在贝弗利建立了地标学校, 麻萨诸塞州, 专为有学习障碍的学生而设. Its educational philosophy — and subsequently, that of Landmark College — grew largely out of Dr. Drake’s own struggle with dyslexia, as well as his education and re搜索 over several decades.

“We are here for the serious purpose of getting students to achieve their goals and to reach their skill level,” Dr. 德雷克说:.


吉纳维芙·兰德,96年, 查尔斯·德雷克遗产协会的志愿者主席, says making a planned gift and serving in a leadership role for fellow alumni shows what’s important


After years of battling with her public school system over accommodations for her learning disability, 吉纳维芙(朋友)土地' 96兴奋地发现地标学院. But the 亚洲博彩平台排名 office delivered some difficult news after reviewing her application: Genevieve was not ready for the rigors of college coursework.

Undaunted, she followed the recommendation to attend the Kildonan School’s college prep program. A year later, she had raised her grades to the level where Landmark College would accept her. “我喜欢把柠檬变成柠檬水,”吉纳维芙说. “我尽力做到最好, 我的整个LC经历变成了一个非常甜蜜的, 美味的柠檬水.”

事实上, Genevieve says Landmark College was where she finally felt recognized as a learner who could achieve her fullest potential. 除了时间管理和组织能力,她还获得了, 吉纳维芙说,她的经历给她注入了信心.

“Landmark教会了我坚持不懈, 坚持到底, 尝试不同的方法, 要自信,她说。. 在伊利湖学院期间,她的自信得到了考验, 她在哪里获得学士学位, and again in the Master of Science in Management program at Polytechnic Institute of New York University, 她在哪里以优异的成绩毕业.

现居加州, Genevieve is the co-founder of a nonprofit homeschool organization that works with educators to think outside the box and draw on real-life experiences. “我的整个生活都围绕着我在Landmark中学到的工具,她说。, adding that she also tries to impart the lessons she learned about active reading and organization to her three young children, 科瑞娜, 康纳, 和克洛伊.

Genevieve remains involved with Landmark College by serving as secretary on the 校友 Advisory Board from 2009 - 2021, and she recently joined the 查尔斯·德雷克遗产协会 by making the College a beneficiary in her Trust.

Genevieve says she hopes her planned gift will enable the College to continue expanding its mission.
“他们需要不断进化,才能前进,才能在未来取得成功,吉纳维芙说. “Leaving Landmark in my legacy not only shows what’s important to me in my life but what made me the person I am today.”




作者:Chris Lenois

Rick Parton remembers being back on the Landmark College campus in 2016 for the opening of the Nicole Goodner MacFarlane Science, 技术 & 创新中心. 具体地说, he remembers John Wood—the long-time resident dean and coach of many LC athletic teams— bounding up to greet him and his wife, 卡罗.

瑞克笑着说:“他抱得太紧了,把挂在我脖子上的太阳镜都给摔坏了。. “直到今天,他还告诉我们, 他给他的团队讲珍妮的故事,这是关于她想要学习的坚韧.”

珍妮·帕顿(Jenny Parton)的坚韧源于她一生都知道自己的学习方式不同. Her parents were fortunate that their eastern Pennsylvania home was close to a private K-8 school that catered to children with learning and attention difficulties, 很早就把珍妮录取了. 他们的公立高中有很好的特殊教育项目, 卡罗尔说,珍妮变得非常善于倡导她所需要的帮助.

就在她高中最后一年之前, 他们找到了地标学院,并在1997年把珍妮送到那里参加一个暑期项目. 和她的导师一起工作, 约翰Bagge, 和其他人, 珍妮只用了两个月的时间就把自己的阅读水平从四年级提高到了七年级. 她的父母对这种戏剧性的改善感到震惊. “每走一步,老师们都说珍妮身上有一把锁,而他们没有钥匙. Landmark有钥匙,”卡罗说.

而不是在大四的时候回来, 珍妮申请并被录取为秋季学期的本科课程, 根据瑞克的说法,这也让她有了自己的社交能力. “突然之间,所有人都和她一样了,”他说.

不幸的是,1997年感恩节假期,珍妮在一场车祸中丧生. 她和一位地标学院的同学一起去了他的家乡亨茨维尔, 阿拉巴马州, 一名上了年纪的司机驶入高速公路逆行,迎面撞上了他们. The Partons were able to fly down there in time to spend the final hours of Jenny’s life with her.

“我们说她像鹰一样翱翔,”卡罗尔说. “当她去世时,她正处于人生的最高点. 她只是飞走了,玩得很开心.”

帕顿夫妇来学校取女儿遗物的时候, the College had organized a memorial event that included awarding an honorary degree to Jenny. “They didn’t have to do what they did; to walk into that auditorium and see all those students and teachers meant a lot to us,瑞克谈到这个手势时说. 从那时起, 帕顿夫妇一直是地标学院年度基金活动的积极支持者. 他们也是查尔斯·德雷克遗产协会的成员, 他们以珍妮的名义设立了一项奖学金. Their dream is to have their estate gift endowed with enough money to give a full scholarship to deserving students.

“When we went up to Putney for the first time, we were so scared Jenny wasn’t going to get in. 现在, I’d hate to know that the only reason a student couldn’t go to Landmark College was because they couldn’t afford it,卡罗尔说。.

但帕顿夫妇给校园最明显的礼物是珍妮长凳, 位于斯通和戴维斯大厅之间的上层校园. 多年来, they have transformed that space from a wooden bench and tree to a lush flower garden with a majestic view of the southwestern mountain range.

“我们想要的是我们心中关于未来的东西,”瑞克谈到这个网站时说. “And even though 99 percent of the kids that probably sit on that bench don’t know who Jenny was, 他们只需要和约翰·伍德谈谈.”

